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Cybercrime on the Rise as More Pakistanis Go Online
w3bs!te@dmin2023-09-25T17:32:58+00:00Over the last few years, internet traffic in Pakistan has surged to over 83 million internet users. With over 97% of Pakistanis accessing the internet through their cellphone, this rapid expansion can be attributed to the dissemination of 3G/4G services by significant telecom players in Pakistan....
Islamabad to have observatory, space museum in Shakarparian
w3bs!te@dmin2021-08-21T10:32:01+00:00An observatory and space museum will be established in Shakarparian, Islamabad by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST), to help resolve the moonsighting issue and provide astronomers an opportunity to study the and celestial bodies. According to the details, a site has been approved by...
Startup applications for the NIC’s 10th Cohort closing on 31st January !
w3bs!te@dmin2021-08-21T10:32:01+00:00Startups are an integral part for the tech ecosystem of a country. Therefore National Incubation Center (NIC) has an on-going free of cost program for startups in Pakistan. Are you working on a business solution and need help scaling up? For this very purpose, NIC has...